
Double_Parsley_4455 t1_j7lbx8a wrote

I'd echo another post saying don't underestimate your depression and/or ADHD. Some (many?) people suffering don't even realise the extent a lot of the time.

I also took note of you describing your DnD buddies as 'your partner's friends'. I mean you've been going out for years, they must be your friends now? I found that a bit odd.

Anyway, temper what I've said with yeah, you're not necessarily supposed to have it figured out yet.

I've been through all kinds of therapy and also Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (I'm sure some will think that's a fad or whatever, fine) but certainly have a think about setting some professional goals. You must have a vocational interest by now.

Set short term goals. I am into Computing and went through some free and paid for online courses (properly!). Half-decent ones, not crap.

In Computering we're able to get Certs as well, so that was another achievable, tangible goal.

Finally make a habit of reaching your goal. Going all balls to the wall for 1-2 days, or even over a week is not sustainable. It's a lifestyle thing - an hour or whatever a day - forever. Get used to it!

So yeah, think about your vocation and what you need to achieve. And take steps that you can measure.