
DrGeraldBaskums t1_jck7hbv wrote

Piece of advice. Buy everything you need yourself so you can get a breakdown of the labor. Or at least price it out. The materials for a job like this are probably $4/5k if your not going super fancy.

I’d also price out everything with individual contractors. It’s a pain in the ass, but you may be able to do it cheaper. I did a 50 square foot half bath for $8k 3 years ago like this. $2k materials I bought myself. $1k electrician for lighting, $1k for plumber to hook in toilet and vanity, $4k for walls, painting and floor install

Is there anything you or a friend can do?


DrGeraldBaskums t1_j8ji03t wrote

Remember where you are. A Kent County jury is much different from a Providence County jury. A former marine and a cop that takes the stand in his defense plays differently there.