
Drewstosay t1_ja9zj5r wrote

nah, I'm not 19 anymore but fuck this, kid has some shitty ways of talking about sex work and should probably reflect on that but other than that this is a big deal in their life and you telling them it's not is real shitty.

Next time you have any issue at all I hope someone who's had it worse or been through it tells you that your feelings aren't a big deal. Lost your house? not a big deal move on, oh you have a medical emergency? Frank was pronounced dead and has to learn how to walk again yours isn't a big deal.

"big" is relative and for a 19 year old who's recently gone through their entire life structure they had changing (because leaving school is hard and a big deal even if you or I went through it a long time and ago and are fine) more changes and questioning what they know, want, and have, are a big deal.
