
DrugsArentAlwaysBad t1_j3itdtx wrote

What kind of a Canadian is this ignorant? Do you actually not know what is so significant about this? Or are you just going out of your way to be a loser because someone in elementary school said you were funny?

Please move out of the country so nobody has to associate themself with you. You’re an embarrassment to everyone around you.


DrugsArentAlwaysBad t1_ixrctop wrote

Gonna get downvoted cuz it’s recent and “white people just don’t get it” (lol) but you’re right. Nope is by far the worst of the three

At least US had a unique storyline like get out. Nope was just a drawn out spaceship movie where the spaceship was just fuckin ribbons

But at least Glenn was in that one. I miss that mf
