DrummerSteve t1_j6kk8ob wrote
Reply to songs that'll make you cry by Artistic_Stable_1440
You Make this All Go Away- Nine Inch Nails
DrummerSteve t1_j2ez82u wrote
Reply to There are two types of air-fryer owners. Those who have one and never use it, and those who use it too often. There is no middle ground by PM_ME_UR_HIP_DIMPLES
Or three… those who used to never is it, then discovered it’s power, and use it all the time
DrummerSteve t1_j292ebf wrote
Reply to This is a white tattoo by altonbrownie
In a couple years it will pretty much be invisible
DrummerSteve t1_izk56os wrote
I’m coming
DrummerSteve t1_ir8sgye wrote
Reply to comment by skillerspure in [Video] 3 most impactful things for energy levels and motivation by 0mnipath
Carbs yes or no?
DrummerSteve t1_j7u9wes wrote
Reply to How the NFL avoids paying disabled players — with the union’s help by washingtonpost
The NFL makes more money than God they shouldn’t be NOT paying anyone