
Due_Start_3597 t1_jcze5g5 wrote

I always thought satellites had some little thrusters on them with some nominal way to make micro-adjustments?

I figured if they wanted to deorbit them, they could be by making "deorbit trajectories"?

Is that not true?


Due_Start_3597 t1_j8k1v2s wrote

honestly they should use it up sooner rather than later

there still seem to be some oil economies out there that are basing their futures off oil reserves lasting when they should be basing it off whether the demand for oil goes away due to politics, ESG, activism, the youth generating in particular, other alternatives becoming more viable, etc.


Due_Start_3597 t1_ix9ao0r wrote

Does Latvia do any sort of tax benefit thing?

Tax cuts for people with 2 children? No taxes on single-family homes?

I'm wondering what incentives they've created, some other countries trying to stop population declines do things like that.