
Dull_Lavishness7701 t1_ixvs00l wrote

The best way to form a habit, I've found, is to schedule it. For example, clear your work and social calendars and just say between 4 and 430 everyday I will do X. And you do it at the same time, everyday until eventually you start to anticipate, o yeah it's almost 4, time to do X. And after a little while it just is a habit not. The first few days are tough because you really have to commit to doing it though


Dull_Lavishness7701 t1_ixosl8f wrote

This advice is trash. Do your research before you get to the polls. You have all the time in the world at your own home to figure out your vote when you walk in. Don't waste others ppls valuable time because you were a lazy asshole