EducationalSmile8 t1_iuhe2yw wrote
Reply to comment by Thernn in My son and I spent a night at a motel. I couldn’t believe what was in our room. by genuinelygrim
Oh I wish they were bedbugs, but unfortunately things turned for the worse...
EducationalSmile8 t1_iuhdm63 wrote
Uhm, well, now that you're trying what your friend did, Good Luck..... Though it's very likely that you'll end up like him...
EducationalSmile8 t1_iu95kja wrote
Reply to There’s a vending machine on campus that doesn’t just dispense soda and snacks. by RobertMort
That machine is really intriguing... I wonder what more secrets it hides within itself...
EducationalSmile8 t1_iu95hyf wrote
Reply to comment by ThiefCitron in There’s a vending machine on campus that doesn’t just dispense soda and snacks. by RobertMort
He would be the asshole if he publishes their pics in the magazine
EducationalSmile8 t1_iu5tei3 wrote
Either Max is a victim of "those" entities, or he is one among them. I guess he's a victim, the entities tried to make sure that he couldn't stop you from opening the door. Good that you didn't open.
Be Careful...
EducationalSmile8 t1_itvbkup wrote
I would've been suspicious about this from the beginning itself... So unfortunate, greed blinds Man !
EducationalSmile8 t1_itv7vnc wrote
You didn't let him finish the address, but he knows it very well.... Plus, u broke his trust by spilling the beans here...
EducationalSmile8 t1_itv7ra1 wrote
Reply to comment by vedaonreddit in AM Radio Stations Shouldn’t Exist Anymore. by WorldAwayTweedy
And posting all of this here on Reddit
EducationalSmile8 t1_itv4wsr wrote
It appears to me that she's trying to woo you.... Be careful
EducationalSmile8 t1_itcx9qv wrote
Dude ! That was a big big mistake, going to your home rather than going to the police station or any other crowded place for that matter.... It's still not that late though, since THAT entity is only tapping, and not physically harming you... at least for now... approach the police, or get your house cleansed...Immediately !
EducationalSmile8 t1_itcqlwd wrote
Reply to Always check the trunk of your rental car by inletharn
I hope you were able to escape to safety , OP.
EducationalSmile8 t1_itcpm1e wrote
Reply to I’m a marine biologist. While exploring a 'hidden beach' off the Southern coast of Thailand, we uncovered a lifeform unlike anything else on earth... by lightingnations
Glad that you got out of there alive. But, I get this feeling that, umm.. in spite of you saying that you loved Vicky , you were , uh , responsible for her death ?!? :-\
EducationalSmile8 t1_isivag7 wrote
>There was one on the inside too.
Ah, you are effed. Good Luck dealing with that entity !
EducationalSmile8 t1_iuhe7ia wrote
Reply to My son and I spent a night at a motel. I couldn’t believe what was in our room. by genuinelygrim
I did not see that coming! This was really sad indeed....