
EfficientAd9765 t1_itqk2ga wrote

Reply to comment by JackMcBryde in Dorian Gray by JackMcBryde

I'm not saying it's bad that he is portrayed the way he is. But the fact that anyone can take him even remotely serious is ridiculous to me.

He is the type of guy to answer a yes-no question with another question, not being able to have a normal conversation to save his life.

The fact that Dorian builds his whole persona around him is aggrevating. He isn't even the only one who praises him for it. I just wish someone would call him out for his shit.


EfficientAd9765 t1_ito03y9 wrote

Reply to Dorian Gray by JackMcBryde

Unpopular opinion, but I really didn't like the book.

The philosophy of Henry felt more like his misogyny/biterness packaged in obtuse pretty words in an attempt to sound smart. It was so tedious to read. Dorian, and everyone else for that matter, seemed like an idiot to me for thinking he is saying something of importance.

And for such an interesting premise, I think Oscar Wild played remarkebly little with it.

I DO like the relationship of Dorian and the actress.