
Emberashh t1_jbbykxe wrote

Darn. Im highly curious as to whats connecting the two.

Unless its like a weird roundabout gut flora thing. May be bad oral hygiene leads to you ingesting bad stuff too much and thats how it throws things off?


Emberashh t1_j0rzh3p wrote

Its not a question of who gets to decide to begin automating. Its a question of what society is willing to tolerate.

And fyi, your brainwashing is showing yet again in your inability to concieve of the idea that business owners don't get to unilaterally do this.

They'll try, and many will fail when the automation fails to maintain a profitable business or when they're forced to abandon it.


Emberashh t1_j0rwl8t wrote

>Depends what you mean by "appropriate or desirable".

On part of society as a whole, not just business owners.

Keep in mind that the idea that these people can't be held accountable is propaganda spread by them. They want you to spend your energy doing anything but hold them responsible. Don't fall for that crap.


Emberashh t1_j0qj22d wrote

>Society and economy should be reworked so having a job isn't the unique criteria to determine one's worth.

Most jobs aren't being taken on that basis to begin with. Economic prudence takes precedent, and its the jobs that get abandoned when economics are no longer a factor that are likely to be at their best automated.

But theres nuance there. Many jobs would only be so readily abandoned because they're managed poorly. The service industry is rife with this, and while robots could replace these jobs, it actually isn't likely going to be desirable to do so, and that would eventually rebalance the industry towards sustainable employment and management practices.

And more than that, theres no shortage of people that do inherently find worth in simply achieving at whatever their job is, and they're not wrong for doing so. These are people that would still be doing their jobs even with all of the economic exploitation that capitalism induces being removed.

And as always, I like to point out that Star Trek got this vision right. Computers and robots do not do everything, and theres a strong cultural bent towards recognizing the inherent value in a humans labor regardless of what it is they're doing.


Emberashh t1_iz4v89p wrote

No. Quality of life isn't only lowered by minor crimes, and the part of that theory that calls for aggressive and excessive policing of those crimes has definitively shown to just not work.


Emberashh t1_iz13vhi wrote

Quality of life improvements consistently reduce crime in general. And that makes sense, unless we're really stuck on the whole gun thing and can't allow the exploration of any other solution, even when those solutions are needed regardless.