
EmbraceableYew t1_j9eufcj wrote

The practice of eating only the abductor muscle is one of the reasons why scallops are comparatively safe to eat. Sometimes demoic acid, paralytic shellfish poisoning, or other nasty afflictions can be a risk when you eat the whole shellfish, say clams or mussels.


EmbraceableYew t1_j8nsbps wrote

This is from Edward Bulwer-Lytton. It is too bad that this seems to be mainly what he is remembered for.

He was a 19th-century English novelist, dandy, and politician. He was friends with and served with Benjamin Disraeli, another dandy/writer/ politician (and ultimately prime minister). EBL was colonial secretary . Pelham was a popular novel of his. Also The Last Days of Pompeii, among many, many others.

If I am not mistaken, ELB would get elected by explaining that under no circumstances should anyone ever vote for him.

It was a different time. I might be mixing him up with someone else on this point.

Anyway, he was an interesting and eccentric fellow.


EmbraceableYew t1_iyersk2 wrote

Strongly agree. What are often called apologies are not. They are often non-apologies that essentially blame the wronged party.

"I am sorry if you misunderstood me" and the like. You see, it was really your fault not mine.

An actual apology is explicit in accepting responsibility for harm done by the apologizer, and regret for having caused that harm. It should also contain some recognition of the need for improvement, that is, how the apologizer will behave in the future.