
OP t1_iu78uni wrote

Above anything, this video is HILLARIOUS. you should watch his other videos https://twitter.com/MattWBZ . They're the best 'guy-on-street' interviews i've ever seen while also being good-hearted, 'real' and unpretentious.


OP t1_iu74c8g wrote

80% of Holyoke's $100 million dollar school budget comes from chapter 70 funding. Even if the school's failing, $100 million dollars is A LOT of great paying jobs, that in turn create more jobs. Massachusetts Schools are so fantastically financed that even "failing" school systems still make their communties better off.


OP t1_iu6qgbs wrote

No, western mass is in such a good position. boston SHOVELS us money.. like no other poor area of any other state in the us. we have it made. To be forgotten in massachusetts is very lucrative indeed