
Emil_Zatopek1982 t1_jdmodug wrote

Reply to comment by ItsLCGaming in As a Playstation Fan... by [deleted]

Of course, I am talking about the future.

And we know that selling consoles is a bad business. The money consoles make comes from other sources than selling the actual console. I think this is why MS already flirts with cloud, but Xcloud is pretty bad and years away from actually working product. GeForce Now is great techwise, but it has a lousy library which MS now makes much better.

But yeah, I agree that consoles are not going away in near future.


Emil_Zatopek1982 t1_jdmlmk7 wrote

Microsoft can't beat Sony in console business, so it aims to selling games business. I think they have pretty different business plans and I would not even be surprised if we don't see another Xbox, but will see PS6. MS clearly has it's eyes on cloud gaming and Sony don't care about that.

Playstation is too strong brand for Microsoft. Sony should just do what it does best and I bet both of them will be fine.