
EmotionalPlum2102 t1_iy97z7t wrote

Do you listen to the Making Sense Podcast by ol Sammy boy Harris? His most recent interview with Cal Newport paints a great picture on said phenomenon’s and better health for the world. I am urging everyone I know to give it a listen and seriously consider how humans will never adapt to the quick change of technological of the future if we don’t change how we communicate online. The podcast aired only yesterday and if enough influential people and the hive mind takes hold of it, change may happen quicker than expected ;)

Why I Left Twitter by Sam Harris


EmotionalPlum2102 t1_iy8vwbb wrote

It hasn’t been always about controlling the speech it’s always about controlling people. Speech is part of that yes but having control over people is what it’s about.

I am pro policing social media and what we are seeing are countries trying to act on that as we learn more and more about how social media is affecting the people of the world. The countries actions won’t be perfect and nor will the actions take effect over night in the change that world societies need to happen but not doing anything about the current social media problems is not the course of action to take we are finding that social media affects the well being of individuals all the way up to entire tribe mind mentality countries where we see a complete picture of what misinformation spread on social media does: it elected Donald trump, if not for twitter Trump would not have been elected IMO.

The internet was great prior to social media and now that internet traffic has consolidated to maybe 5 major platforms we see the problem with it and hive mind. Reddit is unique with our communities being able to mod themselves and I suspect policing social medias via govt will entice users to leave said major social media platforms.