Were there any instances of graffiti on the east side of the Berlin Wall before it was taken down? I know the west side was covered in graffiti from various artists, and I know that the East side was heavily guarded but I feel like there must have been some instances that were captured of art of some kind on the east side before it was painted over. Does anyone know or have any evidence of this as I am studying it for my university course and can't seem to find anything online.
EmperorUrielSeptim11 t1_jdi34oj wrote
Reply to Weekly History Questions Thread. by AutoModerator
Hi guys.
Were there any instances of graffiti on the east side of the Berlin Wall before it was taken down? I know the west side was covered in graffiti from various artists, and I know that the East side was heavily guarded but I feel like there must have been some instances that were captured of art of some kind on the east side before it was painted over. Does anyone know or have any evidence of this as I am studying it for my university course and can't seem to find anything online.