
Endertj t1_jedvaua wrote

"What did you do this time?" I asked, not bothering to look up from my computer as Loki approached my desk, already anticipating the usual verbal dance we engaged in on a regular basis.

"It's not about me." He replied- the words were a slight variation in our routine, but that in itself wasn't uncommon. His tone, however, was different; low and somber, a far cry from the cheerful or sly attitudes he usually had.

"Bullshit." I responded reflexively, still processing this tonal oddity. After a few moments of silence, with no denials or explanations coming from Loki, I finally looked up from my work, eyes widening as I took in the sight before me.

Loki, the trickster extraordinaire, bringer of chaos and mischief and all things that made life difficult for those around him, was staring at me, gaze unwavering, expression entirely serious- no little smirk or raised eyebrow, nothing to suggest any kind of unsavory plans on his part.

Now I was curious. The god of mischief had done plenty during his time working with our company; he'd been an actor, both on stage and the silver screen. He'd modeled, though that had been a rather short-lived gig (after he'd seduced the seventh photographer in a month, among countless others, we had to recommend his move to another career). Politics had suited him for a time, though he grew bored quickly with that one. "Too easy", he'd called it. His current stint in Vegas was his longest by far, even if he did butt heads with Tyche over who's casino was better; a friendly rivalry, really.

Still, this was the first time I had ever seen him look so...serious. "Neith is gone." Loki finally stated, with the same sense of gravity as one pulling back the curtain to reveal the man hiding behind it, pretending to be a wizard.

"Yes," I replied slowly "She retired a while ago, took a break. Wanted to spend some time with her corgis, after being in a human form for so long. Honestly thought she'd just keep going, freak out-"

"No, she's gone." Loki cut me off, "Completely. No one can find her. Athena, Ganesha, Papa Legba- hells, even Frigg admitted she doesn't know where Neith is!" Loki's voice steadily rose, until he was nearly shouting by the end. His expression had changed as well, growing more panicked as he explained the full extent of the situation at hand.

After a few moments, I took my seat once more, typing frantically. "If what you say is true-" I began.

"It is." Loki interjected firmly.

"You know I have to verify this." It was a statement, not a question; I was already reaching for my phone, the contact information for every god of knowledge we had on file pulled up. Loki merely nodded, not even bothering with a perfunctory argument. That, more than anything, told me how serious he was. If one of the gods was missing, truly missing, to the point that even some of the most powerful deities of knowledge and wisdom couldn't find her?

Well. That was worrying, to say the least.