
Esbey t1_j3m8cjy wrote

This is a local black run non profit that has the full support of the local black neighborhood. It receives minimal support from Yale. Adding 34 affordable units increases housing affordability. If you know of a way to fund more units without using revenue from market rate housing, then you should build those units.

In general, there is a huge body of careful empirical evidence that increasing housing supply decreases rents relative to the counterfactual world where housing is not built. Most displacement gentrification takes place in cities where demand for housing is increasing (because of new jobs, etc) and where new housing supply is restricted. Wealthier new residents then end up moving into the existing historic housing stock, pushing out the poor. This is to the great benefit of incumbent property owners, like Mandy here in NH.

Look at Cambridge MA where old three-flats built to house working families now house tech workers who pay millions per unit. This is the future that left NIMBYs want for New Haven. Huge profits for existing property owners and the poor pushed out. But the newly rich neighborhoods will be quaint and historic, how nice.


Esbey t1_islwyiy wrote

Tour the Yale campus for sure. See a Guttenberg bible at the Benecke Library. If they let you into the main Yale Library, check it out. If you like art, see the Yale Art Gallery. The deck at Fair Haven Oyster is great, not extra fancy. Olea is a great special occasion restaurant. Downtown is lively on Fri/Sat nights, lots of bars, etc.