
EvlMinion t1_jbkztji wrote

I've experienced this as well as the opposite. There used to be a really small one nearby. It had an anchor in the center and stores in a U shape around the side, plus 2 exits at either end. It was suuuper easy to get around in that one. Sadly, it's now a Walmart.

One of the remaining malls here is a sprawling monstrosity. Every time I've been there, I got a little confused trying to figure out which side I was parked on.


EvlMinion t1_j9l71mq wrote

This was one of those headlines I see from time to time and think, "That can't really be what happened." Then I get proven wrong.

The Republicans' response was what I expected, though. Spineless. Either not going on record that he's vile or saying 'his words are his own'.


EvlMinion t1_j80r5hu wrote

Yeah, intent and all. As the news for this stuff has come in, I've been considering Biden and Pence's searches to be roughly the same level of bad: Not great, but both teams are working to get anything they might have returned. Part of me wishes it wasn't newsworthy at all, but it's also comforting to see it being handled without any theatrics. Trump's situation was, as he typically is, just exhausting.