
Exile4444 t1_j76xegu wrote

Just a heads up there is no evidence for any kind of storm coming in the next month. Not saying in regard there will not be, just that there is literally no way we can know that dar ahead. News agencies such as the mirror always overexagurate their claims and literally directly misquote what met office posts and nothing is being done against and that truly makes my blood boil, literally no action whatsoever is taken against this.

Take last week for example, literally every agencie was posting about how their is a big snowstorm coming.

In reality, they took their information based on a model that showed when the pressure system would be strengthening at the continued theoretical pace an entire fortnight ahead that it was at that pace, (in which, by the way, is impossible to forecast that far ahead apart from slight indicators that it may be slightly more likely/likely) but that is obviously not going to happen as there are many models used for depicting completely entirely different things that proper meteorologists are aware of and they actually fixate on actual likely scenarios.

Worst thing is, once nothing happens the meteorologists are blamed for being even though this has absolutely nothing to do with them and entirely on what people click on like sheep.....

I even hear people saying, for example, 'it was forecasted to rain today but it did not yet again! These forecasters are always wrong' - when in reality if they would actually pay a bit more attention they would have known that there was only a 70% probability of rain.

Sorry for my rant haha, I just felt that I had to let it out somewhere 😅