
ExtremeQuality1682 OP t1_ja4e5a8 wrote

Oh, thank you. That makes it actually make more sense. I'm thinking as there was only 1 big bang. So our light wouldnt reach them, but that doesn't mean there's nothing. Like you said they're light wouldnt reach us either. So there isn't nothing just another universe expanding toward us. Theoretically of course. It was the concept of nothing that had my brain messed up.


ExtremeQuality1682 OP t1_ja4cwx1 wrote

Someone said below it's different, it's an expansion which is (distance/time)/distance. Which would make everything kinda make sense but I'm awaiting a better explanation of that cause my brain can't grasp it. Is there time outside the ring, or if that explanation is true, there is not distance but only time?


ExtremeQuality1682 OP t1_ja49e5e wrote

You are awesome, I'm not sure I understand entirely, or that anyone does but I understand slightly better. So the big bang did not follow the rules of physics and happened faster than the speed of light then? So there are theoretically dark galaxies that still have not had light reach them yet, and there always will be? Btw thank you in advance, you're awesome.