FNAKC t1_j68pm25 wrote

"In 2010, a cholera outbreak in Haiti, which was traced back to sewage negligently released from a United Nations peacekeepers base into a river near the town of Mirebalais, caused about 9,800 deaths and over 820,000 infections."

From https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/10/18/haiti-urgently-address-cholera-outbreak#:~:text=In%202010%2C%20a%20cholera%20outbreak,deaths%20and%20over%20820%2C000%20infections.


FNAKC t1_j68p6kz wrote

It didn't help, call it a compounding factor.

Say you're driving and have a mild heart attack and crash. You bleed out, the heart attack alone wouldn't have killed you, but it cause the crash that made you bleed out.