FTeachMeYourWays t1_j5k1imx wrote
Reply to comment by humvee911 in LPT: A good financial habit to get into is treating money as hours of work. Ask yourself how many hours of work something would take if you buy it. The awareness of the amount of time you put into purchases helps reduce compulsive spending. by humvee911
Is it? hold on, an hour lunch every day in an enjoyable manner seems to out weigh having a some spare capital once retired? Some people may save there whole life and never get to experience retiremen....
FTeachMeYourWays t1_j6cpt2r wrote
Reply to comment by cha0ticBrownSugar99 in [homemade] Made spicy, crispy tofu bites with rice topped with green onions and sesame seeds by cha0ticBrownSugar99
What was the flavour concoction looks devine