
t1_jduum6h wrote

Why is this happening?

  • Because CT is boring. It’s doesn’t want to enhance itself and change to attract youth, brains, and wealth.

Will it keep going?

  • Yes. Dirt bikes and ATV groups will continue. Racing will continue. I plan on getting an ATV myself. The annoyance will continue until CT decides to make tracks for ATV, Dirtbikes, and Cars. They can fit dozens across the state, but refuse. Technically they could section of a portion of a city or town each night and have a regulated racing event. They refuse. Taxpayers are telling you they want a place to express themselves and their vehicles because they pay taxes. This problem could be solved in 6 months, yet the Boomer Brigade refuses.

Why hasn’t this problem been solved?

  • The same reasons grid lock on i95/Merritt has not been solved. The same reason Trucks still find their way on the Merritt - Laziness. This is why I hop Work From Home dismantles this ridiculous tax and spend infrastructure. A death spiral is needed to force Government to be efficient. CT taxes the hell out of everyone and gives it all to pensioners, police, welfare, government programs, and government schmucks that should be replaced by a computer algorithm. The roads are horrible. Use the tax money to make tax payers happy!

t1_ja535b2 wrote

Yale police send emails to active employees.

They also send text messages about ongoing “situations” and anything that comes up. So you need to stop.

Second, I am friends with several Yale police. I get details. I’ve been out of the loop for the last year, but it’s not hard to ask about what’s going on. Something always is.


t1_iy82xml wrote

  1. We’ve already paid more than 27 billion to over the last 20 years. I am pretty sure if you gave the ability for homes to power themselves, tax payers would line up. The property taxes we pay could have given every a Solar Roof years ago. Instead we got these Solar scams.

  2. The goal is control Eversource with stock buys and it doesn’t have to be every one. As long as they are told to help families, not hurt them.

  3. There are plenty of other dividend paying stocks. At this point, that seems to be the only way to offset the cost of this nonsense. You buy enough shares so it pays for the electric bill.

They have no interest is helping, curbing spending, being honest, defending CT citizens, and just saying no.


t1_iy7gzgy wrote

Where is US Senator Blumenthal?

Where are the chicken wing State Senators?!

  • Looney, Duff, Anwar, Bradley, Miller, McCrory, Moore, Abrams, Cabrera, Cassano, Cohen, Flexer, Fonfara, Hartley, Haskell, Kushner, Lopes, Maroney, Needleman, Osten, Slap, Winfield


Dems hold the majority. We pay each Red and Blue person 28K a year to pass laws particularly to help CT families. That’s your job. To pass laws that help us. If CT citizens want a law stating we can throw water balloons at State Senators faces, then you will pass the bill. You have no opinion. As a matter of fact, CT citizens need the power to throw balloons filled with water at you anywhere you are.

Income taxes were supposed to be temporary when the green light was given in the 80’s. Here we are 30+ years later with “temporary taxes”. I was still a child during this temporary time.

  • You are in our pockets. Do what we tell you to do. The same goes for our dirtbag mayors. I don’t understand why we vote for these people. They do nothing.

CT citizens have complained for donkey years about these two vampire companies. They have sucked enough wealth from taxpayers.

CT taxpayers have stated for years taxes are too high (property, car, sales) and we see no benefits other than shit.

Pass a law forcing Eversource and UI to eat the difference until Natural Gas prices decrease. They will survive.

Taxpayers across the US are fed up. TBH, it wouldn’t surprise me if they start humiliating Politicians like that Black Mirror episode “The National Anthem” where Prime Minister Callow must have relations with a pig on TV.

It’s pretty obvious Vladimir Putin is using this war to frustrate consumers and taxpayers of countries that import a good chunk of Natural Gas and Oil in a bid to destabilize states and nations. Duh motherf****. From the Federal to the State to the Local, you bumbling fools are just allowing it.

  • Families will freeze because turning off the heat is the only thing to do.
  • Pipes will freeze damaging homes. Landlords better watch out! You are now paying the heating bill to keep your pipes warm.
  • Gas (And Diesel is out of control) is still expensive even with the gas tax holiday.

The irony is Petroleum products from Russia are being sent to other countries where a new name is slapped on the container and the US still buys it. Prices magically remain high despite this. It seems like a variety of people are extorting and calling it inflation.

  • BTW, Lamont “worked hard with Eversource” to get you a $10 bill credit. Here are your 🥜

Lamont and Eversource help working families with a credit for January 1st rate hikes.

The only way to stop this nonsense:

  • CT families purchase majority stock in Eversource and force it into submission.

  • We buy enough stock that dividends cancel out the electric bill.

  • Every single family home gets a Solar roof and two storage batteries. Then setup another panel and shut off the one for the utility killing it for good.

  • Let me choose how my taxes (property, car, sales, use) get spent. I’d like to use it subsidize my electric bills, repave my street, and fix the potholed roads in my area since you schmucks obviously don’t want to.