
FancyRobot t1_jdvwufv wrote

Reading had union chocolate jobs, it was called Ludens... that factory's jobs were exported to China over a decade ago. The only chocolate factory to move out of the city. Woo unions

Edit: We're heading down the Reddit sinkhole, no counter arguments given but the narrative must still persist in all its purity, the down votes have begun to rain down. An entire town and its generational trauma from union jobs leaving simply cannot understand the brilliance of "just unionizing" from people who likely aren't employed. We're just sheeple!


FancyRobot t1_jbyz5tj wrote

My mother used to work at the Sears there, was quite the hot spot until the 2000s rolled in, good food court and the fountains by the Sears were pretty awesome. Unfortunately I don't even think they bother filling the fountains up with water anymore, lot of patchwork repairs all over the place. Some of the stores are still doing well but I imagine it will likely go the way of the Fairgrounds Square Mall soon. The big Walmarts/Targets in the area and online shopping just completely ruined these places, which is a shame because they were such better communal experiences.

I also think this mall was referenced, indirectly, in a Taylor Swift song once when she was stood up by some mean girls when she lived in Wyomissing?