
FerretFarm t1_j8f1kqt wrote

Hey, no question from me. I have a similar issue though. Delayed Pressure Urticaria. I'd get hives from imperceptible pressure from things like a belt or shoelaces that were a little too tight. The hives would show up a few hours later, and usually last 24 hours or so. Longer if I scratched them, and boy were they hot and itchy!

I've had it for +/- 20 years, but the good news is that for the last 12 or so I've had no hives because my doc and I finally found a drug combo that got rid of them.

I take 5mg of Montelukast, and 5mg of Cetirizine every night before bed. I also have a few Prednisone pills on standby in cast there's a sudden breakout, but haven't needed them for +/- 10 years. One is for allergies, the other is an asthma med. And the prednisone is for killing the hives quick so your body resets, and the other drugs will work.

I obviously don't know if that will work for you, but the combo might be worth mentioning to your doc. I just hope you find a solution.

The big bonus for me, is that since I'm on these pills I never have to worry about my hay fever or cat allergies! :)