
Figgy20000 t1_jash35d wrote

When I was on a pretty strict diet (lost 50 pounds in 6 months) I would only poop once every 3 days or so. It really depends on how much you eat (or don't eat).

After scarfing down so much food you can't eat anymore thought that should really have been suspicious a lot sooner.


Figgy20000 t1_j0vo6ap wrote

Accepting a cash job isn't fraud. Not paying Taxes on it is fraud.

However, working for less than minimum wage is illegal almost everywhere. I suggest you quit the job immediately unless they give you an immediate pay increase to match the laws in your area, and track your earnings so you can claim it as income at the end of the year.


Figgy20000 t1_izj2v4e wrote

It's incredibly hurtful and invalidating to just call his lived experience a debunked theory that doesn't exist, and clearly he isn't trying to discredit anyone. What is wrong with you. You're unbelievably direspectful to the people you pretend to be trying to protect and are just as horrible as the Transphobes.


Figgy20000 t1_ixuerax wrote

I just went through your comment history and in not a single one did you even slightly mention making any sort of attempt to figure out what what kind of birth control she was on ahead of time or using a condom yourself.

That my friend, makes you a fool.

Hopefully you gain some insight before you have a couple of unwanted pregnancies or STDs


Figgy20000 t1_iu09ycu wrote

Oh, don't worry. I've done much worse.

2 days ago a regular customer of ours comes into our restaurant with an eyepatch. Me being a dumbass I ask if he's getting ready for halloween. Nope, he tells me he lost the eye due to a hernia or some shit. Never been more embarassed in my life.


Figgy20000 t1_isxwggu wrote

Next time I have a nosebleed I'm gonna invite my girl to shower with me in it as well.

Who the fuck cares?

He's completely within his right to not be potentially exposed to someones period blood. Next time I'm gonna wipe my boogers all over my wife as well and tell her she better not be offended by it it's naturally from my body. She's being a whiny baby


Figgy20000 t1_isxik7n wrote

You're 17. That's the best time to fuck around with as many people you want (or don't want), find out what you're actually into and what you want in life and everyone who shames anyone for it should be ashamed of themselves. You have at least another 13 years before you need to start looking for a serious long term relationship, you probably aren't even out of high school yet. Enjoy it while you can and don't let anyone put you down.


Figgy20000 t1_ir9u7wi wrote

If you meet a guy who's single and looking and he's not romantically interested either

1: There's something very wrong with you

2: There's something very wrong with him

Chances are more likely that he's very interested and you need to read the room a little bit better :)