
Final_Candidate_7603 t1_j6hzql1 wrote

Personally, I appreciated the yelling- to make sure that the people in the back got the message.

I also don’t see anything wrong with posting it in every state’s subreddit. Due to gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts, too many state legislatures are Red and don’t truly represent the will of the people who will be forced to live under the laws they create. The crazies are working hard right now to stomp on every single one of our rights. Oh no, wait- except the right to own and carry around weapons which are capable of killing dozens of our fellow citizens in less than a minute.

Here in PA, they are busy bickering over whether to put some questions on the ballot about changing our Constitution- including raising the voting age to 21. I’m guessing that they have done research that shows it’s those pesky young people voting Blue, so they’re trying to take away their right to vote any way they can. What’s more, they want the questions to be on the ballot in the May Primary, an election that’s has notoriously low turnout- except for old folks- especially in a year where we don’t vote for President.

Please, people- VOTE. In. Every. Single. Election.


Final_Candidate_7603 t1_j2n48gb wrote

It’s been a few years since my son lived in that area, but we liked Pizza Brain. It was close enough to his place that we could walk, and the Pizza Museum that’s housed within the shop is an interesting way to pass the time while you wait for your pizza (but they do deliver, since that’s what you asked). Then we’d head next door for some Little Baby’s Ice Cream.

Like I said, it’s been a while since I’ve been there, so I can’t say if they’re still good, but it might be worth checking it out.

RIP Little Baby’s Ice Cream.


Final_Candidate_7603 t1_j1e0ary wrote

IIRC, the “Stinky” moniker also describes einhorn’s personal hygiene. He was an old-time hippie who wasn’t into bathing, shaving, etc and went around smelling pretty ripe.

That case was so sad… neighbors had been complaining to the City about the smell for quite some time. Of course, by then it was too late, but it could have saved her family some of the anguish of not knowing whether she was dead or alive. I used to attend volunteer group meetings in this very old farmhouse in Pennypack Park, and occasionally a mouse would get caught between the walls and die. It only happened during the Winter, when the mice came in for the warmth. That smell was awful, and it was everywhere. If one tiny mouse can create such a stench, I can’t even imagine how bad a decomposing human body smells, and in the heat of the Summer, too…


Final_Candidate_7603 t1_izqem5x wrote

… says the guy who put all of his trust in The Man With The Orange Face, social media, and a select few online “news” sources. If half of the folks like you chose to put your faith in the courts, the US Attorney General, the Justice Department, the head of Homeland Security (to name a few), the whole country would be in better shape. That’s the whole problem with dealing with people like you- you can’t reason with someone whose life goal is to be unreasonable, to ignore evidence-based facts, to refuse to accept reality, and to think that your opinion is the equivalent of knowledge- on every subject.


Final_Candidate_7603 t1_iy0f4mb wrote

Fortunately, negotiations over the sale came to a swift halt in September when the Bucks County Board of Commissioners stepped in and said they would oppose the sale if the Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority ended up approving it. This is a great example of the importance of voting. In. Every. Single. Election.

Less than 2 months into what was scheduled to be one year of negotiations, the BOC wasted no time in announcing that since the deal would not be in the best interests of the citizens, they would not approve it. Knowing that any deal would go nowhere without the Board’s support, BCWSA ended negotiations with Aqua America the next day. The supposed advantages were $1.1 Billion in the county’s coffers, and a mere average increase of $20/month per household through 2033 to fund the much-needed maintenance and upgrades to an aging infrastructure. But, as one of the Commissioners pointed out, Aqua America customers in PA have already seen an average increase of $88 per month because our lovely PA PUC keeps approving the rate increases. When negotiations were announced, the outcry from the public and from municipalities was strong and immediate. Apparently, these folks do listen to their constituencies.

The Presidential and the mid-term elections get so much fuss and attention (and $$$). They are held in even-numbered years; local and municipal elections are almost always held in the odd-numbered. We elected the Board of Commissioners in November of 2019 to 4-year terms. The process for these positions is a lil’ different, in that we always get to vote for two candidates. So next May, we will vote for 2 from the Party we are registered with, then the 2 Democrats who got the most votes will face the 2 Republicans who got the most. In November, we’ll again get to vote for 2 out of the those 4. Currently, the Board is made up of 2 Democrats and 1 Republican. I might not have mentioned- all three Commissioners made public statements opposing the sale to Aqua America.

The odd-numbered-year elections are for offices which determine much of our daily living. The PA Supreme Court makes rules on the laws we have to follow; we also elect local Judges and Magistrates. At the County level, we vote for the District Attorney, the Sheriff, and Controller (who is like the County’s CFO), to name a few. On the hyper-local level, we get to choose School Board members, and in some municipalities, School Superintendent. Right here on the State, County, and City subreddits, we’ve seen how controversy and shenanigans are affecting how our children are being educated. If you think that since you don’t have any kids in K-12 right now that none of this affects you- think again. In the not-too-distant future, these “kids” will be your pharmacist, your electrician, your local police officer, the PENNDOT worker laying the foundation for the road you take to get to work.

Vote. In. Every. Single. Election.

If something bad is happening to the residents of Pennsylvania, hop onto this sub and let the rest of us know, like this OP did. And btw OP, I’m really sorry that this sale happened in your community. Greed is everywhere, and corporations don’t think twice about majorly screwing people over in pursuit of an extra dollar. Not even when it comes to something that’s so fundamentally necessary- like having clean drinking water and a way to flush away your poo. I took a quick look at the PUC’s web site. Before filing a complaint with them, you have to file a complaint with the utility. Since at this point, it seems like that’s your only recourse, maybe you want to give that a shot. In the morning, I’ll do some looking and see if it’s possible to file a complaint that doesn’t directly affect you. If you can, I sure am willing to file a complaint on your behalf, and that of your community. Maybe someone else reading this is willing to too. Thanks for bringing it to everyone’s attention, and best of luck with your complaint!


Final_Candidate_7603 t1_iudlohg wrote

Another poll worker here, confirming what others have said. There is a Judge of Elections at every polling place; they have to be there all day (as do several others), food gets brought in, the Judge is the one who closes down the machines at the end of the day, and announces the count while others record the information.

When you turn in your mail-in ballot, bring everything, including the envelope it came in. Like someone else mentioned, if something does go wrong, you can still cast a provisional ballot. Later, after they determine that you did not return the mail-in ballot they sent, they will count your provisional ballot. They are very serious about making sure that everyone who is allowed to vote gets to vote.

ETA: good on you for taking the time to find out for sure- this is what they mean when they say ‘make a plan to vote.’ For anyone else reading, if anything should ever go wrong on Election Day- like they mailed you a ballot but you never got it- go to your polling place and ask to speak to the Judge of Elections. They are trained to handle any last-minute questions or confusion, and if they can’t resolve it on the spot, they will almost always let you cast a provisional ballot. Again, things will get sorted out in the next couple of days, and if they find that you were eligible to vote and didn’t mail a ballot, they will count that provisional one.