
Fixes_Computers t1_izlpx1b wrote

I'd be happy with a dictation machine and a foot pedal.

I used to have a client who did at home dictation on her computer. Apparently there are no good food pedals. The ones out there are expensive and poorly made.


Fixes_Computers t1_izktacz wrote

I was initially taught letter by letter, but typing words was a natural evolution as proficiency increased. I think it was even discussed at some point when I first learned (it's been decades so my memory is understandably fuzzy).

Even now, typing on my phone with my thumbs, I'm typing words and not letters.


Fixes_Computers t1_izksr47 wrote

Several years ago, I was able to retrain this out of me. I'm not sad.

Most modern word processors will automatically adjust kerning to what's appropriate after punctuation. It really became unnecessary.


Fixes_Computers t1_izks561 wrote

This is basically the method I used.

I took two years of typing between the 8th and 10th grades. I got up to about 45 wpm.

After moving out on my own, I started calling BBSs (bulletin board systems). These were much more common in the 80s and 90s before the internet took off.

I would spend way too much of my leisure time typing messages on them.

My current typing speed is over 70 wpm. What I find odd is I don't consider my speed all that fast, but I'm way ahead of most people I know. I have one coworker who is faster. Most job descriptions I've seen require 40+. I wouldn't think that a stretch, but too many people can't type. (Side note, the keyboard I had at worked sucked so I bought my own, replaced the key switches with something stiffer, and replaced most of the caps with blanks because I'm a touch typist and a jerk.)

I find Reddit very familiar compared to the BBSs I used to call. I'll probably stay here until it or I am gone.