
Flaky_Bee_2599 t1_ixdjrp0 wrote

Medicare plus supplement will require medical underwriting. Regular Medicare won't. Medicare supplement is, as you say, much more expensive than Medicare Advantage plans.

Also, it's not a game to "completely privatize" Medicare. It's called a public option. The idea that having a choice is inherently bad is more of a political opinion than a fact.


Flaky_Bee_2599 t1_ixd0exx wrote

Off the top of my head:

  • Medicare Advantage Plans have max OOPs
  • Medicare advantage plans most often have Copays when seeing doctors and specialists instead of coinsurance
  • Medicare advantage plans have much more robust prescription coverage plans than traditional Medicare.

Also, you can switch back and forth every year during open enrollment. Making blanket statements about how Medicare Advantage is bad is silly.


Flaky_Bee_2599 t1_iwft5pa wrote

LMAO you didn't even answer my question.

Your country's foreign policy relies on a strong US military. So does Australia, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and all of western Europe. You and almost all of the western European countries underspend on your military to an extent where you're completely reliant on the US if you get into a war.

Where do you get off sitting on your high horse criticizing US military spending when a large part of the reason your spending is so low is because ours is so high?

Also if you think the US could reduce military spending by 75 percent without Russia and China making significant moves you're fucking delusional.


Flaky_Bee_2599 t1_iwdg3gi wrote

Don't you think it's hypocritical to complain about US defense spending then expect the US to use said big military to support you when the bad guys come knocking at your door?

You're Canadian. You don't have to spend on defense because the implicit threat of the US.