
Fochinell t1_ja5bqa5 wrote

I’m tepidly encouraged that the Palestinian Authority is finally negotiating with scarce regard for Gaza and Hamas’ input. If a peace plan were ever to emerge I genuinely hope the PA won’t have to greatly oppress the citizens of their new state to swallow and accept the deal especially under the existing huge dark cloud of PA illegitimacy. That’d only benefit Hamas and the other steadfast hothead militants they’re in competition with.

I’ve said for a long time here that no viable peace prospects between Israel and whatever Palestinian state may form will have any legitimacy without Jordan dedicating some of their own land across the river from the West Bank to this new Palestinian national entity. It is only right and proper. Needs to be part of any deal to put an end to Jordan playing the silly children’s game of being first in saying “Not It!” in relation to the Arabs in and around both the East and West Bank of the river.


Fochinell t1_j8f2q83 wrote

Okay, what does Twilio even do?:

> Twilio makes sending and receiving SMS easy.

I haven’t had hardship with this yet. But if I do encounter difficulties with sending and receiving and SMS/MMS, I’ll maybe evaluate Twilio against other solutions in this space. Like perhaps Sendo, or Noteify, or MessagePanda, or Zipner, or Chaticus, or SeaMuS, or EZ-Burst, or Tapzin, or Pokeify, or HeyYou, or AllYall, or Beepzor, or PickleTickle, or Beepidon, or Pagematix, or WhizSend, or SendWiz, or Globetweeter, or GoatNote, or whomever else will make it easy in sending unsolicited mass messages about their car’s extended warranty expiring.


Fochinell t1_iulqx9r wrote

In order to avoid what they consider police harassment (no doubt meaning execution of arrest warrants, court judgements, and skipped bail) these people are choosing to live with no fixed address in an unincorporated area outside the jurisdiction of the LA County Sheriff’s Office. That’s the testimony I heard from their own mouths in this story. They’re literally outlaws and desperados.

I’d reckon this geographically means where “Avenue G” in Lancaster ends, it’s there where Federal BLM land management begins. Looking at I believe it’s correct. That’s why they’re camped there.

It’s legal (or at least ignorable enough) to camp freely on BLM land. And also legal to just bury your rubbish. Less legally also your dead former sidekicks who stole that last cigarette you were saving.

If one wishes to behave civically like The Manson Family did, then living in the desert just outside the clutches of society’s laws also like the Mansons did goes right along with it.