-Try to buy things at used stores when you can. You’d be surprised how many good quality items are discarded- especially if you shop church rummage sales. Even if your parents are helping out, don’t be wasteful with their earnings.
-Trust your instincts.
-Find real friends by pursuing common interests or hobbies (bonus if they’re free - park basketball, running, chess, trivia nights etc).
-Don’t forget to call your parents every once in awhile to chat.
FollowTheQuail t1_j2f3sy0 wrote
Reply to LPT request: Moving out of the city for the first time at 18 in a rented apartment, any tips? by GauravxAg
-Try to buy things at used stores when you can. You’d be surprised how many good quality items are discarded- especially if you shop church rummage sales. Even if your parents are helping out, don’t be wasteful with their earnings. -Trust your instincts. -Find real friends by pursuing common interests or hobbies (bonus if they’re free - park basketball, running, chess, trivia nights etc). -Don’t forget to call your parents every once in awhile to chat.
Good luck!