
Form84 t1_ja8s2po wrote

Bro, I did computer repair for 10 years, I have seen everything from grandma deep throating her mailman to apparently non-illegal horse stuff.

NOT ONCE was I looking for it. Some people's desktops are just fucking wild, holy shit.

The point of this, is that most/all techs are basically so busy with their quotas, that they dont have time to go snooping for really anything, unless that snooping is directly related to what they're doing. So, I wouldnt worry about it.


Form84 t1_j9h93qb wrote

If that was the take away from my message, then I feel i have miscommunicated. Please do not assume that I meant that OP should reconsider leaving or joining a religion based off of age, as that was absolutely not my intention.

I will summarize, don't make rash decisions, because decisions made at 18 are rarely decisions that last with us our entire lives. It is a very transformative time in our lives, and the knowledge of this is rarely communicated to the people going through it.

I hope that clears that up!


Form84 t1_j9h0elm wrote

Religion and the lack thereof are something you grow out of, grow back into, then usually come to a realization more deeply about later in life.

It is COMMON for 18 yr olds to question their religion and the way they were brought up. It is COMMON to become an atheist at this age, just look at the trope of the angry college freshman. There is a reason for this and for you, the focus is your religion, but for many, it's politics, religion, sexual orientation, sexual identity, social status, or goals. This is just a short list, but I believe it's long enough for you to get the gist.

The point I'm trying to make is that at 18 yrs old, this likely feels like the first real step into your own skin that you've had or discovered for yourself. That's good, you should embrace it. But take some advice from someone who has walked your path, and is able to look back on it. It is very unlikely to last forever. When we shed the fallacies of our youth or past, we often turn around and remember them fondly years down the road. It is through this looking back that you can find the truth in the lesson of w/e it is you were pulling yourself away from. For you it's your religion, for me it was the expectations of my parents, for others it's something, and for some of us who are unlucky, they may never find it.

If you would allow me to, I would give you some advice. If not, please disregard the rest of this and just know that I wish you the best in your journey. If so, then I would say. Do not take unto yourself such rash judgements as the belief that this is a viewpoint you will carry forever, I find that this is rarely the case. Do not put the burden of such rash judgements on the feelings of others. In everything that you do, be true to yourself, but realize that does not necessarily mean everybody will agree with you. Loving someone, means understanding that they may not understand you, and loving them anyway. This is a difficult road to tread, but one that i find is usually worth the walk.

Best of luck to you, and I hope you find the way forward that helps you through your situation.