
Four_Duck_Snakes t1_j2e4r00 wrote

I believe what OP is trying to insinuate is that they are ripped off one another.

Open your eyes/Vanilla Sky dealt with the same twist, instead of being dead though, he was in an eternal sleep where he can chose either life in paradise that is a hell, or try real life.

Before that decade there were others that would have the same plot.

That era of film was all about the twist.

Even the Usual suspects used the same kinda zinger.

Anywho, agree to disagree.


Four_Duck_Snakes t1_j2d4co5 wrote


To be devil's advocate.

Isn't that the plot to most be used?

I mean Vanilla Sky, Carnival of Souls, Atonement, Jacobs Ladder, The Lovely Bones etc.

I feel what you are saying, however, I don't feel other than appearance, the two are quite different.

But I thank you for clarifying for me!