
Fun_Designer7898 t1_j4iava8 wrote

What? You know that it can drop nukes if it needs to, there is no need to re arm them because those are nuked we are talking about

Also, if china uses a missile, it needs to produce a new one, the US could drop the load AND make it land, reload and take off again

Hypersonic missiles can be intercepted, it will get easier with laser weapons


Fun_Designer7898 t1_j4i9xu1 wrote

The X-37 is literally able to stay in orbit for a very long time, with the ability to carry nukes. It was first introduced in 2010, so it's not something never done before lile you said


Fun_Designer7898 t1_j4i8155 wrote

The statement about hypersonics might be misleading

China uses hypersonic boost glide vehicles, basically a rocket that propels to hypersonic speeds, nothing new, hypersonic speeds have been achieved in the 40's already when looking at rockets reaching orbit

The US has two working prototypes for a hypersonic cruise missile, which are much much more sophisticated because it uses air breathing engines to propel the missile


Fun_Designer7898 t1_iu3a6t7 wrote

Because US education is incomparably better than the majority of where the foreign students come from

There was an analysis done a couple of years ago that found out that the most elite chinese, russian or indian computer science student at their countries version of an Ivy League, are quite a bit worse than the -average- computer science student in the US.


Fun_Designer7898 t1_isadu7i wrote

Not from the US here, i'll use Germany as a example

I think that should also apply to how other countries lack behind in a lot of other things as well

Germany (most of europe actually) is losing share of total net wealth and gdp while the US is steadily increasing and even rising faster than china in terms of wealth last year

The US overtook germanies car industry with Tesla or at least heavily decreased germanies share

Germany has very good social systems (so far) and good living conditions but that doesn't make up for the fact that energy costs close to 10 as much as in the US

Germanies military is not even in the top 15 of the world, which isn't acceptable given it's size