GalaxyMosaic t1_j6jvakm wrote
Why is this a necessary discussion? Reading is a low-stakes solo endeavor and the rewards are all internal to the individual. STG people will turn anything into a toxic fandom.
GalaxyMosaic t1_j6jus38 wrote
Reply to comment by mind_the_umlaut in The 10 Inalienable Rights of the Reader by swedish_librarian
Careful, you'll awaken the luddites.
GalaxyMosaic t1_j5uv2jw wrote
Reply to PsBattle: Sad Robot by KnightOfWords
[[Sad Robot]]
GalaxyMosaic t1_j2571es wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: this angry Russian cat by KrevNasty
I was gonna to ask how you could tell the cat was Russian, but nevermind.
GalaxyMosaic t1_ivzteig wrote
Reply to comment by riomem in Tunnel discovered beneath Egyptian temple may lead to Cleopatra's tomb by Ameliasco
[guitar riff] Schliemann
GalaxyMosaic t1_ja1pxx9 wrote
Reply to comment by jupitaur9 in Mysterious marks on Ice Age cave art may have been a form of record keeping. by Rifletree
It's like when you're sitting at a red light with your turn signal on, and the guy in front of you has his on. The timing isn't exactly the same but sometimes they seem to synch up for a dozen cycles or so.