
Gallalad t1_jdoemkw wrote

Its all good. Honestly its one of those things which I'm struggling to adapt to (I moved to North America) and the fact you are such a democratic society is sometimes jarring, partisanship is the norm. Like even your school boards, police and judges are elected. Back in Ireland I couldnt even elect my own senator.


Gallalad t1_jdlbabq wrote

Appointed. This is not a political job. Usually they're veteran barristers (trial lawyers) of at least 15 years who's job it is is to be the prosecutor on behalf of the crown (just a fancy way of saying the state), hence Kings Counsel.

Recourse here is that they're gonna be put before the bar and since they broken the cab rank rule which specifies that a barrister must take a case they are qualified for, provided they are available to do so.


Gallalad t1_jdklj5j wrote

I understand the moral aspect but this is a bad precedent imo. These aren't just solicitors saying they won't be hired by certain corporations but prosecutors. If they set the precedent that a barrister can refuse to prosecute a case for political reasons then you create partisan barristers which risks ruining the impartiality of the legal system.