GardenGnomeOfEden t1_j9feocc wrote
Reply to comment by CosmicCommando in Best wood for pantry style shelves in a closet? by glycinedream
Thanks! Bookmarked for later.
GardenGnomeOfEden t1_j5z6gf5 wrote
Reply to DIY Travel Bo-Staff by composites123
If you have a drill press, you can make this handy jig for making holes in wooden staff sections.
GardenGnomeOfEden t1_jcnd9gq wrote
Reply to comment by nowherechild91 in If UV radiation is used to disinfect and sterilise things then why isn't everything the sun touches (your skin, the sidewalk etc) sterile? by Critwhoris
It probably means they are perpetually on a shitload of antihistamines.