
Gav_Princip t1_itjj8xp wrote

Honestly formstone looks cool in a so tacky it's awesome way. Can't imagine a much more iconic Baltimore look than a formstoned rowhouse with the OG white marble steps. I think if you end up buying a house with formstone, you may grow to love it just as it is!

My experience with buying a house in Baltimore (but probably true anywhere) is that there were some aspects of my house I was 100% sure I was going to change, but then once living here they no longer seemed like a big deal. Other stuff I didn't plan to change, I ended up wanting to. Based on this experience, I think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself. You haven't even decided on a house yet! First buy the house, then live in it for a bit, then decide which features you *really* want to change and which don't affect your quality of life too much.