
GeneralGom t1_j3k3u9l wrote

Oh, no need to be of concern about me. I stopped comparing myself to others or dwell in my past long time ago, and I’m doing just fine now.

If there’s something to say about me relating to you, I once dreamed of becoming a doctor myself just around your age, but gave up on that dream because I thought it was too late for me since I already had a completely different major.

In retrospect, it wasn’t. I had plenty enough time to start again from the beginning and still achieve my dream.

Nowadays I work in a completly different area. Just wanted to let you know that you still have so much potential and opportunities to achieve your dream, or find another.


GeneralGom t1_iuj5k7n wrote

That makes sense. I guess people thought my comment had a political agenda, and lacked credence(I couldn't find an English source of the news article).

I absolutely think the main fault lies on the government. But that doesn't mean there can't be other parties who may have also contributed to the tragedy, y'know.

Anyway, all I wanted to do was to provide some fresh new info as a Korean. My comment didn't have any political agenda, nor do I care it got downvoted. I was simply curious why it did.


GeneralGom t1_iuhis4v wrote

There have been numerous reports from the survivors about a group of men upstream inciting people to push(probably got frustrated by the blockage), causing people to tumble and start all the chaos.

Police is currently investigating, but nothing concrete has been confirmed so far.

Also I’m not sure why this is getting downvoted. I merely wanted to provide some newest updates from Korean news outlets.
