
Generallywron t1_jab269n wrote

This was a fairly recent book club pick, I also couldn’t put it down. (I read it over a weekend where I had a stomach virus). My issues with it were 1. Monique, I didn’t dislike her, but I didn’t really find her story engaging or necessary, 2. I didn’t like the twist with Monique’s dad. It just felt like she shoe horned it in to give a reason for Monique to be there. I think it would have felt more poignant if Evelyn really had just respected her work. 3. I didn’t really ever get a feel for the timeline outside of the news clippings. Nothing really evoked “old Hollywood” for me. I wonder if she set it too late, but I think she also wanted to get things like Stonewall and the revelation about Rock Hudson I there. 4. I thought the relationship between Evelyn and Helen was super toxic. I didn’t hate it but just felt really underwhelmed by it.