
Get_Swifty t1_iyjr051 wrote

Yeah no, this was definitely not the case with the Vandals. They crossed over the straights of Gibraltar after their confederation in Iberia was destroyed and plundered their way all the way to Carthage. Their naval tradition may have started in Spain but after capturing the major maritime port of Carthage (along with a sizable quantity of ships), they became the defacto power.

The romans in North Africa were definitely not happy with vandal rule opposed to Roman. Just read some of the ecclesiastical accounts of the vandal migration. St. Augustine was literally dying in Hippo while the vandals were en route. There were also letters sent from rome detailing the amounts of dead, and various members of the church who were killed (and nuns SA’d) by the vandals. They were of a heretical denomination of Christianity (Arians) and didn’t take kindly to those who were nicean.

There were more accepting circumstances in the migration period but not in regards to the Vandals in Africa