Gfgd420 t1_jd0g28j wrote
Reply to comment by aycee31 in [homemade] rigatoni bolognese by jules11111
Wait until they figure out how professional bakers make their cakes and shit. They'll lose their goddamn minds if they think a home cook is making pasta fresca for rigatoni.
Gfgd420 t1_jczqb3p wrote
Reply to comment by User1212131 in [homemade] rigatoni bolognese by jules11111
Almost nobody makes pasta secca at home. There's no reason to. You pull out the 00 flour, eggs and oil and get to work making pasta fresca when it comes to things like ravioli because there's really no better way to do it, but for this even professional chefs will buy the pasta secca pre-made.
Gfgd420 t1_j0ycozq wrote
Reply to comment by believe2000 in I made a honeycomb firewood rack by richriggins
Thanks, now the rest of my night is going to be filled rewatching CGP Grey videos.
Gfgd420 t1_iy2xn3j wrote
Reply to comment by GreggAlan in Gotta love the practicality. (Hilarious, genius solution by busy grocery worker on Thanksgiving a.m.) by SoColdSoFair
It's all a matter of taste. I think most home cooks and some restaurants use too little pepper but I can understand where you're coming from if you don't love pepper. Where you from if you don't mind me asking?
Gfgd420 t1_ixyr8cf wrote
Reply to comment by FeedMeTaffy in Gotta love the practicality. (Hilarious, genius solution by busy grocery worker on Thanksgiving a.m.) by SoColdSoFair
Take like 1/4 cup of the drippings, add equal amount of flour and cook on the stove top over mediumish heat. Whisk really really well while adding the flour. Stir often and cook it until it gets smooth and starts to bubble and darken. Add around 2 cups of broth/drippings, stir well, heat to a boil and cook for another minute or two. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Make sure to taste before seasoning, it might not need much salt. Don't be shy with the pepper.
Gfgd420 t1_ixyi8p7 wrote
Reply to comment by Rudy69 in Gotta love the practicality. (Hilarious, genius solution by busy grocery worker on Thanksgiving a.m.) by SoColdSoFair
Like, you're cooking the bird and have all the drippings right there. It takes no time at all to turn that into gravy. Why use canned gravy? Shit is nasty.
Gfgd420 t1_jd4ang8 wrote
Reply to comment by User1212131 in [homemade] rigatoni bolognese by jules11111
Is he supposed to grow the grain and mill the flour as well? Raise the chickens collect the eggs and raise the cow, slaughter it for beef? Start an olive farm and make oil? Grow the onions, carrots, all the seasonings as well? Where are you drawing the line guy because for 99% of people, the line gets drawn at pasta secca. There's literally no reason to make it homemade.