GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_j8qeso7 wrote
Reply to [pro/chef] pistachio macarons by DryBat4171
Here i was thinking hmm i have seen something like this recently. And it was you then also! Very good job!
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_j6j6s8h wrote
Reply to Spice and Herb Chart from 1961 by Dast_Kook
Almost every use for ginger surprises me, i use it a lot but not in cheese dishes or bean soup.
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_j58ca08 wrote
Reply to My lettuce was cut to fit the bun. by yuuuge_butts
I always tear it up so it fits on the sandwich, but this is so much more esthetically pleasing & has better coverage.
Also you can always use the edges in a salad so as to not waste anything
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_j1mcoh1 wrote
This is one of the best "first Christmas together" stories ever! What a terrible yet great family memory
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_j1j21zl wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in My aunt has a comic in her bathroom wall by BrunoStalky
Thanks! I especially like how expressive his knees are in panel 4
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_izco4q3 wrote
You did what you could do, and now you're doing better, yay! You are getting her what she needs now. And she is feeling secure enough to express her needs too, so that's also a good sign of what you're doing.
On the adhd/oppositional defiance thing - on of my children has adhd. And when it's not treated, he gets stressed and then the stress causes lashing out. But when it's treated, he still dislikes authority but he can deal appropriately with it. It was a journey getting there but he did and you will too!
Take heart, the journey isn't always smooth but you have love and you're doing a good as you can do.
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_iydrgdp wrote
4th grade for both me and my son 35 years later lol - so we were both around 9 & 10.
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_iy7whh7 wrote
Reply to TIL During the 20th century TV series that reached 100 episodes were generally preferred for syndication, since that meant stations could run 20 weeks of programming without repeating a story. In recent years that number has fallen to 88 episodes. by UndyingCorn
The amount of time i spent watching Scooby-Doo reruns is astronomical!
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_iy2b2u9 wrote
Reply to comment by mistrvrz in LPT: Have 2 signatures to protect against ID fraud by OreoMochi
Can confirm, also work for a bank.
Also if you sign your card, you know what is really easy to do if you're a thief? Figure out how to sign similarly enough.
I'm not saying that everyone my age could forge their parents signature whenever needed or anything lol
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_ixy43ay wrote
Reply to What to do with digital library on kindle by FangFeline
When they start to bug me, i remove them from home or delete the download - then they're still in the library if i want them again. I like to reread books i really enjoyed.
I used to be super organized & put them into collections, which is very neat. I love that you can put books into multiple collections, so it can live in "Romance" "fantasy" "time travel" and "favorite authors" all at the same time.
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_ixrkm62 wrote
I love this! The dots make me think of happiness bubbling up, effervescent happiness. Excellent execution, great evocative title.
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_iwjlct7 wrote
Reply to comment by 13xlily in Digital Books wear out faster than Physical Books - Internet Archive Blogs by koavf
And libraries! Being able to check out the next one in a series immediately is a pleasure I'll never get over!
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_iuxw829 wrote
Reply to comment by PomegranatePlanet in TIL the former members of Timbuk 3 have refused to license the song "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades" for commercials, including a $900,000 offer from AT&T and offers from Ford, the U.S. Army, and Bausch & Lomb for their Ray-Ban sunglasses. by big_macaroons
Lol i remember that episode vividly and is absolutely the only thing i remember about that show!
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_iuaz5g9 wrote
Reply to comment by MarvinParanoAndroid in I found this calculator. I can’t find anything about it online, I’m guessing it’s from the 1970s, 1980s, or maybe later. by EntertainmentQuick47
Yep we used to get them as little promotional items all the time along with pens. Now it's hand sanitizer! And pens. I'd also saw early 2000s, that college was everywhere then, kinda of a scam one. Tv commercials too.
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_j8ujybq wrote
Reply to How hard is it to build one of those DIY sheet metal sheds if I want to put it flush against my house? by ptgx85
Can you get it truly flush & sealed watertight? Otherwise it makes a nice pocket for water, rot, mice. Due to my siding, i can't. i leave enough of a gap that it can dry out, i can clean out trash, and varmints aren't going to live there. Mice, ugh.