
GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_izco4q3 wrote

You did what you could do, and now you're doing better, yay! You are getting her what she needs now. And she is feeling secure enough to express her needs too, so that's also a good sign of what you're doing.

On the adhd/oppositional defiance thing - on of my children has adhd. And when it's not treated, he gets stressed and then the stress causes lashing out. But when it's treated, he still dislikes authority but he can deal appropriately with it. It was a journey getting there but he did and you will too!

Take heart, the journey isn't always smooth but you have love and you're doing a good as you can do.


GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_ixy43ay wrote

When they start to bug me, i remove them from home or delete the download - then they're still in the library if i want them again. I like to reread books i really enjoyed.

I used to be super organized & put them into collections, which is very neat. I love that you can put books into multiple collections, so it can live in "Romance" "fantasy" "time travel" and "favorite authors" all at the same time.


GingerIsTheBestSpice t1_iuaz5g9 wrote

Yep we used to get them as little promotional items all the time along with pens. Now it's hand sanitizer! And pens. I'd also saw early 2000s, that college was everywhere then, kinda of a scam one. Tv commercials too.