
GjahtariKuq t1_je8peco wrote

Its not like america can stop them. They are adversaries.

Russia and china keep screeching about bipolar world disorder and this is one of the symptoms.

The smart decisions is to let them. Every single potential russian or chinese slly hate each other, not just politically. They only appear united because of America is such a threat to them.

Brazil? Jesus Christ lol. Brazil is not a stable or ssfely developing country.

Russia. They fix their economic issues by msking them worse.

India? They hate china. Unstable. High possibility of a civil war between hindu ultrs nstionalists and minorities/muslims.

China? Aging population. A system that needs to msnufacture reasons for it to exist snd employs theatrics to deal with issues like zero covid policy from Xi. I dont know anyone thst can praise china for anything culturally. China has no way to influence culture. All of their allies are more like business psrtners. They can betray china snd china can betray them immediately.

South Africa? Lol. Defacto a failed state. Other allies BRICS has is iran, belarus, serbia, north korea, syria and myanmar. Power houses of influence and economy lol.