Glarbluk t1_j9feyus wrote
Reply to if you could pick one book to read again for the first time , which one would it be ? by [deleted]
The final Wheel of Time book if I can't redo the whole series. Simply put the last book of series would be the only one that made sense and it is such a satisfying conclusion
Glarbluk t1_j6xaw65 wrote
I did not really enjoy this book but I am glad you did. It was not without merit but I know the guy was a writer for TV or something and it showed by how the plot was done. I have yet to try anything else by him
Glarbluk t1_j6nja4y wrote
When I was trying to open up to more genres what helped me was joining book clubs and not even nominating any books, just reading whatever was chosen. Some fell in my wheel house, some took me out of it. Some were good, some were not, but reading them and being able to discuss with other book lovers definitely helped me branch out.
Glarbluk t1_j1uo9fx wrote
Reply to Reading Resolutions: 2022 by AutoModerator
I always try to branch out more in the genres of books I read. I think I did a good job of that this year. This year might be the year to tackle some of the more challenging books I've had my eyes on for sometime. I think it may be the year I finally read House of Leaves and Infinite Jest.
Glarbluk t1_jdv9zdv wrote
Reply to What are some great books with terrible covers? by glister_and_gold
A lot of covers of Wheel of Time fit this description, but most particularly Lord of Chaos. It looks like the cover of a romance novel not some fantasy epic 6 books deep