
Gonzostewie t1_jeceuck wrote

You just pick a name that everyone can agree on. It really is that simple.

The Beatles played "beat music" which is what they called rock n roll in late 50s Britain. The Rolling Stones are named after a Muddy Waters song.

Led Zeppelin was an inside joke between musicians describing shitty gigs. "How'd the show go last night?" Oh we went over like a lead zeppelin. Totally dead.

Three Dog Night describes how cold it is based on how many dogs you had to cuddle with to stay warm.

The Band were rehearsing at Big Pink, their house in Woodstock, waiting for Bob Dylan to recover from a motorcycle accident. Every time they went into town to get food or whatever, the locals would say "Are you guys in the band?" because they could hear them working on their own songs. Yes we're The Band.

The MC5 were from Detroit, The Motor City and there were 5 of them.


Gonzostewie t1_jdvy7dd wrote

Definitely. Women are far more foul than you can even believe. In college, I hooked up with a girl and not even a full 24hrs later I went to her friends' house for a movie and they already knew more gory details about me and my anatomy than I ever told any of my friends about anyone I was with.


Gonzostewie t1_jbvzcbe wrote

>Teachers get ~3 months off during the summer, a week off for spring break, almost a month off for winter break, almost a week for Thanksgiving, along with all other federal holidays. That's almost 4.5 months off work per year.

>So teachers are working less than 2/3 of the time an average white collar worker works. People cite "lesson planning" and claim it's outside of working hours, but teachers only teach ~3-4 classes each day, with the rest of the day preserved for this lesson planning and any miscellaneous tasks such as grading.

All of this is absolute horseshit. All the teachers I know and have worked with teach more classes, get almost no time during the working day to get anything done because prep periods get filled with tutoring/makeup work, meetings and bureaucratic paperwork. If they don't do after hour work at home, they'd get called a shitty teacher more than the other names oblivious shitbirds call them already.


Gonzostewie t1_jbvxrb4 wrote

>stop underpaying teachers aid, subs, etc

This one hits home big time. I got my teaching license and took the first job offered to me: In school suspension teacher. My pay maxed out after 2 years at $12.50/hr yet they wanted me to have/maintain a license. That shit wouldn't even cover my loans and I already had a kid at that point.

I thought it would be a foot in the door to a full time position in my actual subject area. Every year I was there a position opened up but they didn't offer it to me because nobody wants the job dealing with the "bad kids" and I was way too good at it. I fuckin quit after 3years. The day I left I could have had an army of those "bad kids" follow me into battle without question because I was the only one to treat any of them like a real person. I don't even teach anymore, not for that kind of bullshit money.