Goren_Nestroy t1_jcopmgb wrote
Reply to Do you ever look up the authors you're reading to get to know them better? by justkeepbreathing94
I read a lot of Sci-fi. Mostly Hard / Military Sci-Fi.
Turns out most people writing Mil Sci-fi are really right leaning in their politics. And some are just batshit crazy....to the point where I kinda don't wanna read their books anymore.
So no I stopped reading up on an Authors background
Goren_Nestroy t1_jdesn7z wrote
Reply to How do you rate your books on Goodreads? by pensieve64
5* Must read for everybody
4* Liked it
3* Meh
2* Nope
1* BURN IT! KILL THE AUTHOR! -> The Trial - Kafaka