
GraffitiTavern t1_iwozyby wrote

Fuck off. I'm also from rural PA, and I don't see how it should be Harrisburg's right to fuck with a democratically elected municipal official. Your republican shitheads are the ones who chronically underfund schools to funnel rural and urban areas into low-wage jobs. You talk about being left alone, but your right-wing authoritarians are the ones forcing your views on the people who suffer in our communities and the state at-large. But that'll change. The hills are seeing the light, blue swing in every rural part of the state. We'll fund our schools and take back our communities from the right.


GraffitiTavern t1_ivwn8a5 wrote

  1. How did the mods let this through(respectfully)

  2. You far-right motherfuckers lose it so easily, talking about the 'Red Wave' and all that shit, saying the people will have their say and guess what, they did. You only bother to be populist until we decide to put people over profit, decide to stand up for reproductive rights, and then you waste no time in calling everyone of us idiots. We'll remember that next election too.

  3. As people have pointed out, you do know the country like started here, right? We have two of the original capitals of the country(Philly and York) and declared independence here, and beat back the Confederates here at Gettysburg.


GraffitiTavern t1_ivnwfrt wrote

Check out the Frank Lloyd Wright houses, southwest PA and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Perfect for photography.

(As for being gay, I'm bi and from a rural part of the state. You could hear homophobia, but there are spots to hang out, like a local coffee shop, etc. a lot of the just ignorant rednecks have casual homophobia but you could get through to them if they know you)

WV actually has the highest rate of trans youth in the country, a lot of queer folk in Appalachia who just don't get much attention or support, but you won't be alone


GraffitiTavern t1_ivdbnd6 wrote

Going back to the good ole' days of plug-n-play games I see. But I think it will depend, I could def see Xbox doing something super minimal like that, but Nintendo, probably not. I don't think there is any one 'future' of gaming because people will like different experiences.


GraffitiTavern t1_ivda1nt wrote

  1. I like the idea of owning a game, not just having a license that can be revoked at any time. That concept is getting more elusive, but for example when you don't have internet or there's a server issue you can't play your digital Xbox titles.
  2. The experience is different. I have had Steam for a decade and have dozens of titles, mostly bought through a Steam sale or a Humble bundle, but there are so many I can't actually play them all. Every physical game I buy, I will play for at least a few hours.

EDIT: Also, second-hand. I buy about half of my games used. I can also borrow a copy from a friend.


GraffitiTavern t1_iuu1apk wrote

Well since it is off-season things should be pretty open, the area is gorgeous in the fall. Battlefield, ofc, grew up in the area and Devil's Den is great. Since we are getting to Christmas, there's a great German Christmas store about 15 minutes from Gettysburg in New Oxford. If you enjoy breweries a lot have popped up in the past 5 years. My favorite place in town is Waldo's, an art-coop which also functions as a café/virgin cocktail bar and used book store, it's on the basement-level below one of the shops in the square I think or in a back alley off Carlisle Street.