Grigoran t1_j4dgpby wrote
Reply to [Image] "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want." ~ Zig Ziglar by Butterflies_Books
I'm certain Joel Osteen also said this while collection plates were passed
Grigoran t1_j49ovzd wrote
Reply to [Image] "I have not failed 700 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work." ~ Thomas A. Edison by Butterflies_Books
Literally, Thomas Edison can suck a fuck. OP doesn't seem to know enough about Thomas Edison
Grigoran t1_j20rzmi wrote
Reply to Take a chance on yourself [image] by Blue_Consulting
Edison stole this quote and said he said it. Fuck Thomas Edison, all my homes hate Thomas Edison.
Grigoran t1_izcjbzo wrote
Reply to comment by TrueBirch in Swans: The ultimate gift from your true love [OC] by TrueBirch
Well if folks would quit oiling those majestic eggs up we'd be able to see more of the Pride of Ornithologists everywhere
Grigoran t1_iub6c93 wrote
Reply to comment by everything_is_bad in Two people go into an empty bus... by CK17_live
Indeed. That's why the mathematician says that now one must go in so that there is no noone on the bus.
Grigoran t1_iub5xzv wrote
Reply to comment by iamsoldats in Two people go into an empty bus... by CK17_live
Dems in 2016: We launched an investigation to show whether foreign nations interfered markedly in our nation's elections. We uncovered efforts of that nature by certain nations, here are the receipts.
Republicans in 2020: Democrats voted 3 times each, changed all the votes at the machine despite paper audits, resurrected Hugo Chavez, used bamboo paper from Gyna, had 50 million illegals vote, and everyone knows zero people really voted for Biden because no one has Biden signs.
Grigoran t1_iub5a7v wrote
Reply to comment by aimed_4_the_head in Two people go into an empty bus... by CK17_live
They said it a few weeks before the two went into the bus, which was strange.
Grigoran t1_jdaaxgn wrote
Reply to [image] youre a badass by pavankx
Idiotic sentiment