GuardMost8477 t1_jd9wpjn wrote
Reply to An Ozarks church leader claims prayer regrew a woman's toes. Others aren't so sure. by gooddealjoe
So THAT’s Mike’s Cousin John!
GuardMost8477 t1_jcnbwvp wrote
Reply to Recent DC Trip by HereComesHR
Yay! Come back to explore again!
GuardMost8477 OP t1_iwr2e0r wrote
Reply to comment by 6flightsup in Hotel parking near BWI with shuttle??? by GuardMost8477
Sounds good for another trip. We need to be at the airport by 5:00 am. Lol.
GuardMost8477 OP t1_iwjh3s0 wrote
Reply to comment by DeliMcPickles in Hotel parking near BWI with shuttle??? by GuardMost8477
Awesome. Thanks.
GuardMost8477 OP t1_iwhnun7 wrote
Reply to comment by cassinglemalt in Hotel parking near BWI with shuttle??? by GuardMost8477
Thank you! I’ve been doing a Google search without much luck. Thought I’d ask from people who’ve had more experience there than I.
Submitted by GuardMost8477 t3_yw3mkd in baltimore
GuardMost8477 t1_jd9wvrs wrote
Reply to comment by kpanda91 in An Ozarks church leader claims prayer regrew a woman's toes. Others aren't so sure. by gooddealjoe
It’s fine. I checked. The original video and the purported tie grower has a video. 😅